Eva Sophia Adnarel grew up in a world that was always too much, too loud, too smelly, too bright, too scary, and words weren’t always enough to express that. To add to that, few people understood both how beautiful and terrible it is to live in a body that is so sensitive to its surroundings. Luckily Eva was born with an ability to capture those emotions and let them sit and simmer on paper rather than boil over into real life.

Eva loves drawing things of beauty and quiet power. Often this is expressed in the form of angels, bodiless powerful spirits that can take any form or gender they wish, a concept Eva really connects too. Eva especially loves the way angels are depicted in the art of the Eastern Orthodox tradition and grew up surrounded by iconography. Recently however, Eva broke through the wall of religion and now beyond it, they create art that is a deeply personal reflection of that journey. Eva’s art is also influenced by the ethnic background of their ancestors.

Eva is experienced in watercolor, graphite, and digital art and continues to expand their practice through experimentation with diverse materials.





Hidden Brilliance book launch, exhibitor. Los Angeles, CA

The Reser Center “a community is a small town,” exhibitor. Portland, OR


Building 5, exhibitor. Portland, OR


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